The most common Reckoning spec Reckoning is very popular as you have the possibility to almost oneshot anyone with a full reckbomb Unfortunately Reckoning is a bit wonky in Classic and getting stacks is not as easy as it was back in Vanilla or on private servers, but it's still viable Good for duels against melee and small scale world PvPMay 19, · Trophy Points 28 Yes 59 will be a thing Keep in mind PVP gear/battlegrounds won't be released until the "Second Wave of Content" (as of right now), it might even release later if they decide to do a Dire Maul wave instead of releasing it with the launch, so people will have time to get a main and get another character up as wellDec 14, 19 · Hi, I have been struggling to find out how "Chance to hit %" and weapon skill works specifically in —World PVP— on classic I have read before that it is different in open world PVP with 8 weaponskill, what hit % is needed to reach hit cap vs a lvl 60?
Wow Classic Rogue Pvp Guide Specs Duel Bg Gear
Hit cap pvp classic