SMACK DAT LIKE N SUB 4 MORE{NBT MADNESS}DONATE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNELhttps//wwwpaypalme/mcpensitfJOIN THE TOOLBOX DISCORD https//discordgg/Tgv86frLINK In Minecraft, the NBT (Named Binary ) format is used to store data of our Minecraft worlds, including block, entity, and item propertiesIn the Java Edition of Minecraft, you can modify this data by including the data in the command, like so /give @s diamond_sword{Enchantments{id"minecraftknockback",lvl10s}} Download NBTEditor for free Editor for NBT Files like Minecraft's "leveldat" NBT is a file format developed by Minecraft Developer Markus Persson aka notch This is an editor for it
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